ERIE FC Gunners Game Schedule

Please review the schedule below for each age group / birth year.

Players are divided into set teams within each age group. Please make sure you attend the correct game time according to your team and posted schedule. Typically teams are set for about an 8-week block. Then the teams are reshuffled, and another block of games is scheduled.


U6 (2019)



Aliyev, Miran

Armstrong, Andie

Bozich, Brooke

Iskrenko, Theodore

O’Connell, Gavin

Rion, Aden

Zeigler, Sloane


Arduini, Dominic

Caulfield, Cecelia

DeMichele, Mackenzie

Dick, Reno

Hinkson, Hudson

Williams, Za’Kaiya


Joint, Katie

Jones, Maddox

Kennedy, Callie

Kies, Carter

Lynde, Rietter

Romancik, Riley

Vanord, Talon


Conley, Olivia

Eloff, Avery

Eloff, Liam

Kanash, Bryce

Minman, Brody

Paul, Luc

Schroeck, Elijah


All games at EPS West, unless otherwise noted.

August 319:00 AMLeft Half FieldPlayers Last Name A-L
August 3110:00 AMLeft Half FieldPlayers Last Name M-Z
September 711:10 AMLeft Half FieldPlayers Birth Month Jan-Jun
September 712:10 PMLeft Half FieldPlayers Birth Month Jul-Dec

Players will be placed into teams for games starting September 14.

September 149:00 AMLeft Half FieldBlizzardFury
September 1410:00 AMLeft Half FieldWaveStorm
September 219:00 AMLeft Half FieldStormBlizzard
September 2110:00 AMLeft Half FieldFuryWave
September 2812:10 PMLeft Half FieldFuryStorm
September 281:10 PMLeft Half FieldWaveBlizzard
October 59:00 AMLeft Half FieldStormWave
October 510:00 AMLeft Half FieldFuryBlizzard
October 129:00 AMLeft Half FieldBlizzardStorm
October 1210:00 AMLeft Half FieldWaveFury
October 1912:10 PMLeft Half FieldBlizzardWave
October 191:10 PMLeft Half FieldStormFury
October 269:00 AMLeft Half FieldWaveStorm
October 2610:00 AMLeft Half FieldBlizzardFury
November 29:00 AMLeft Half FieldFuryWave
November 210:00 AMLeft Half FieldStormBlizzard

Teams will be reshuffled for the next set of games, starting November 9.

U7 (2018)



Caruso, Hudson

Chandler, Grant

Ghosh, Andin

Ishman, Brantley

Ji, Dylan

Kotian, Anika

Kuneman, Ava

Sieber, Calvin

Swift, Londyn


Alsaedi, Qusay

Gdanetz, Mitchell

Hopkins, Quentin

Kesireddy, Achyuth

Kolli, Gangadhar

Olszewski, Mila

Richardson, Norah

Sacco, Oliver

Wolbert, Kendal


Arneman, Sawyer

DeCanio, Abigail

Fetzner, Isla

Gerber, Elijah

Gobeljic, Ajdin

Grabowski, Edward

Karns, Alaina

Lish, Theodore

Young, Ellie


Bogden, Scarlett

Gadsby, Emerson

Hodas, Maxwell

Lincoln, Chase

Miller, Moose

Petruso, Zoey

Tatarchenko, Arthur

Waldinger, Jemma


All games at EPS West, unless otherwise noted.

August 319:00 AMRight Half FieldPlayers Last Name A-L
August 3110:00 AMRight Half FieldPlayers Last Name M-Z
September 711:10 AMRight Half FieldPlayers Birth Month Jan-Jun
September 712:10 PMRight Half FieldPlayers Birth Month Jul-Dec

Players will be placed into teams for games starting September 14.

September 149:00 AMRight Half FieldCrewDynamo
September 1410:00 AMRight Half FieldUnionGalaxy
September 219:00 AMRight Half FieldGalaxyCrew
September 2110:00 AMRight Half FieldDynamoUnion
September 2812:10 PMRight Half FieldDynamoGalaxy
September 281:10 PMRight Half FieldUnionCrew
October 59:00 AMRight Half FieldGalaxyUnion
October 510:00 AMRight Half FieldDynamoCrew
October 129:00 AMRight Half FieldCrewGalaxy
October 1210:00 AMRight Half FieldUnionDynamo
October 1912:10 PMRight Half FieldCrewUnion
October 191:10 PMRight Half FieldGalaxyDynamo
October 269:00 AMRight Half FieldUnionGalaxy
October 2610:00 AMRight Half FieldCrewDynamo
November 29:00 AMRight Half FieldDynamoUnion
November 210:00 AMRight Half FieldGalaxyCrew

Teams will be reshuffled for the next set of games, starting November 9.

U8 (2017)



Adams, Jack

Bozich, Theodore

Bradney, Charlee

Holdford, Benjamin

Koszewski, Kennedy

Kuburic, Aydin

Lawrence, Jamey


Anschutz, Everlee

Conway, Declan

Cook, Brady

Dempsey, Evan

Heim, Clayton

Higgins, Chase

Koradia, Vinisha


Dahl, Remlee

Danch, Isabelle

Hinkson, Landon

Manchikanti, Nikhil

Mattigiri, Viswa

Panella, Anthony

Pullium, Messiah


Boring, Jordan

Fiske, Nicholas

Jewell, James

Kanash, Brinley

Krishnamsetty, Karthikeya

Ozegovic, Liam

Tishchenko, Luke


Bindics, Maxis

Duric, Kerim

Lictus, Elliana

Nogaj, Jasper

Rogan, Palmer

Subedi, Diwash

Yerace, Luca


Alsaedi, Waleed

Cruikshank, Micah

Kaschak, Lukas

Pettit, Parker

Phillips, Liam

Rajakovich, Anna

Rajakovich, Grant

Rajakovich, Natalie


All games at EPS West, unless otherwise noted.

August 3111:10 AMFull FieldPlayers Last Name A-L
August 3112:10 PMFull FieldPlayers Last Name M-Z
September 79:00 AMFull FieldPlayers Birth Month Jan-Jun
September 710:00 AMFull FieldPlayers Birth Month Jul-Dec

Players will be placed into teams for games starting September 14.

September 1411:10 AMFull FieldBlastCosmos
September 1412:10 PMFull FieldForceKickers
September 141:10 PMFull FieldWhitecapsStrikers
September 2111:10 AMFull FieldKickersWhitecaps
September 2112:10 PMFull FieldForceBlast
September 211:10 PMFull FieldCosmosStrikers
September 289:00 AMFull FieldWhitecapsCosmos
September 2810:00 AMFull FieldStrikersForce
September 2811:00 AMFull FieldBlastKickers
October 511:10 AMFull FieldStrikersBlast
October 512:10 PMFull FieldCosmosKickers
October 51:10 PMFull FieldForceWhitecaps
October 1211:10 AMFull FieldCosmosForce
October 1212:10 PMFull FieldBlastWhitecaps
October 121:10 PMFull FieldKickersStrikers
October 199:00 AMFull FieldStrikersWhitecaps
October 1910:00 AMFull FieldCosmosBlast
October 1911:00 AMFull FieldKickersForce
October 2611:10 AMFull FieldWhitecapsKickers
October 2612:10 PMFull FieldBlastForce
October 261:10 PMFull FieldStrikersCosmos
November 211:10 AMFull FieldKickersBlast
November 212:10 PMFull FieldWhitecapsCosmos
November 21:10 PMFull FieldForceStrikers

Teams will be reshuffled for the next set of games, starting November 9.